Anyone recommend hypnosis dvds? Printed from: Hypnosis Forum | Topic: Topic author: surfarossa
Subject: Anyone recommend hypnosis dvds? Can anyone recommend hypnosis/nlp dvds? I nearly bought Jonathan Royle dvds on ebay but would like to hear someone's opinion first.
Reply author: Matrixman Hi
Reply author: pkusa2000 Why would anyone downgrade someone's work, hypnosis can be very subjective. If something does not work for you it doesn't mean it will not work for someone else. Your personal experience of hypnosis is exactly that...personal.
Reply author: Matrixman Quality control is what my statement is based on; royals work is poor, having watched some of his stuff, and knowing that his qualifications are questionable. Then as someone who cares for the art that is hypnosis and for good quality training with hypnosis. Then I would point people to a more credible source.
Reply author: mark-gil I lived in London for seven years and I came to know Jonathan Royale
Reply author: AlexDuvall I think is good place to start is online video resources such as youtube and video google,more and more stage hypnotist and hypnotherapist have been putting vido clips up on the internet.
Reply author: mark-gil In a recent book,"All in the Mind" by stage hypnotist Andrew Newton the following material occurs; Dr. Jonathan Royle PhD., an individual who also goes under the name Alex Leroy when he performs stage hypnotism shows in pubs, but whose real name is Alex Smith, or prisoner number DW4664 as he was known during his tenure at Wakefield Prison, an institution for which he was a guest of Her Majesty following a conviction for handling counterfeit pound coins, amongst other things. Within the profession, he is best known for his claim that he could hypnotise any woman to have sex with him. To back up this immature claim, he provided channel five with a video which apparently shows him having sex with a young lady who appears to be unconscious.
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